The QMC DYFLO Program for Windows is a dynamic and steady-state process simulator based on a time dependent method. It includes all physical/chemical property calculations with a flow sheet generator interface. Model in a dynamic time domain for tanks, pumps, compressors / expanders, heat exchangers, pipes/valves, control valves, controllers, reactors/combustors, distillation, etc. 

The QMC DYFLO Program methodology has been successfully used in chemical processes for over 30 years with many benefits for system design, analysis and robust methods for actual operations evaluation.  Developed by Du Pont, DYFLO has had direct and successful application to plant design and operations.

Dr. Roger G.E. Franks, (Du Pont retired) considered the "Father of Simulation", pioneered the technology of modeling and computer simulation of chemical process dynamics for 35 years.  He has many technical publications in this field and lectured at the MIT summer simulation seminar for 25 years.  Mr. Franks authored the basic text in this field and created the DYFLO program, used for simulating chemical process units and now in general use worldwide.

The QMC DYFLO Program can be used for:

Equipment Design
Fluid Dynamics
Particle Dynamics
Flow Analysis
Process Control
System Analysis
Automatic Control
Process Measurement
Reaction Kinetics
Vapor Equilibrium
Numerical Solutions
Unit Operations


System Requirements

Available for: All Windows 
Minimum CPU Requirements: Pentium or newer 
Minimum Ram: 24 MB 
Version: 6 
Published: 2000-2012 


Quality Monitoring & Control
Process and Control Engineering Specialists
Kingwood, Texas
Phone:  832.515.5464
Contact QMC or Our Representatives 
for pricing and information.
